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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Top 5 Most Acceptable "Manly" Video Games

Don't let the title confuse you: I don't buy into that whole, "Some games are 'manlier' than others" bologna! I enjoy all different types if games, whether indie, popular, arcade, manly, less manly, whatever! I don't like to let stereotypes dictate my gameplay, as I think do most gamers/geeks. However, there's a common occurrence in today's society: everyone considers themselves as "gamers/geeks/nerds". If you've ever played Halo or watched a superhero movie, nowadays it's apparently acceptable to consider yourself a gamer and/or geek. But guys will only take that so far. There are certain games that most everyone has that give them that "gamer" status without going full-fledged nerdy. You're average "bro-guy" (you know what I'm talking about; you're typical frat-guy or someone like that, ya know?) will play Black-Ops but wouldn't dare ever play something like Shadow of the Colossus or Final Fantasy. Why? Some may say game-style preference, but when you get down to it: it's because there's a line that they just simply don't want to cross. So, society has unknowingly made a list if acceptable games. So with that being said, here is today's post.

The Top 5 Acceptable "Manly" Video Games

5) Assassin's Creed- While this is a widely popular, and very fun game, it is one of those that guys will buy and be all, "Oh dude, I'm such a gamer man I play Assassin's Creed!" In the game you are a descendant of an order of Assassin's and you okay through some of your ancestors events in their past to learn the ways of assassin-ery. Let's face it, you jump around on buildings shanking people. Again, I'm not bashing the game; it's amazing! I'm "bashing" the notion that society thinks that certain games are acceptable to play and some aren't. The gameplay is smooth (like a criminal.... Think about it.), the storyline is moderately decent, and yes it's fun to kill people with weapons made by Leonardo DaVinci, but it's still just a game where you go around killing people. It's like an older sneaker version of Saint's Row or Grand Theft Auto (oh come on, killing people is the ONLY reason we play those games). 

4) Gears of War- Now this series is a little more sci-fi, but still a pretty big "bro-game". Gears of War is a very fun series. I played through the first 2 (and started the third) with my Uncle (he moved away, but we still plan on finishing!). This is your typical first-person shooter with big guns and lots of blood. You're fighting aliens (technically) but from the center of the earth. It's not as popular anymore, but a few years ago this was wildly popular and guys talked about it all the time. It has a great storyline, lots of intense moments, and yes aliens, but it's still a typical testosterone filled shoot 'em up. (Again people, I am not bashing these games. I'm not trying to offend people at all or disrespect the game series. I'm just making a point that I think all of us as geeks/gamers have are effected by).

3) Halo- I mentioned it in the introduction, so it might as we'll be included. The Halo series is a first person shooter set in the future where you fight aliens. It was  a sci-fi game changer, as far as game-play. It was majorly popular, but the more installments in the series, the quicker it lost it's luster. This was definitely a game that people from all stereotypes played. I've heard countless stories ranging from guys at their frat-houses having tournaments to even church youth groups having lock-ins with projectors and sheets on the walls. I personally never really got into the game: it was too "macho" for me (again EVERYONE was playing). It's another shoot 'em up, just with aliens from outer-space (not the center-of-the-earth type).

2) Madden/Any Sports Games Period- There's no denying this claim, these are major manly games. These games are designed to appear to a wide-range of people. It is supposed to be this type of game. This is definitely your typical "manly game". Sports fans of all types can sit down and enjoy these games. Now I'm personally not a sports guy, but that's just me.  I have no comment as far as actual game play. Not really much else to say about this one, it's pretty self-evident.

& finally

1) Call of Duty- This is the King of all "bro-games"; the manliest of all manliest. The Cakl of Duty series is a first person shooter war game that that has been majorly successful and insanely popular. Everybody that's anybody plays this. From school kids to the more experiences gamers and everything in between, this is majorly acceptable in society. You're almost considered an outcast if you Don't play (people give you that gasp of amazement when they find out you don't play, trust me I know). It took me a while to get around the idea of olaying, but once they added the zombie levels, I was a little more accepting. I like the games, but is still is a game that society deems acceptable.

Is there anything wrong with these games? No! Do I harbor ill will to people who play them? Absolutely not! I'm not trying to stir up trouble, or to make it sound like we as gamers/geeks or persecuted in anyway. I'm simply pointing out a fact: society does control what we as the masses say is acceptable to play and what isn't. People have a fixed idea in their heads on how far they want to take their dedication to gaming. Just play what you want to play! If it looks good, try it! Don't let people's opinion stop you from enjoying a good game.

Anyways, that's my list! What do you guys think? What's your opinion on society's influence on gaming? Do you think I'm just ranting? Are any of these games not manly enough? Let me know in the comments below. Until next time, remember: Geekery isn't a hobby, it's a way of life.

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