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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Serious Take On Something Non-Serious: My Fear Of Superman

My Fear of Superman

This is something I want to try: I often over-analyze things that quite honestly don't matter. Superman is super popular right now. He has been for years, really. Superman is one of those heroes that is not only incredibly well known, but is ridiculously powerful. 

Most geeks wish that super heroes were real. It's a common wish, that I do indeed share. But, ....... I'm afraid of Superman being real.  I do NOT want Superman to be real. I repeat, please don't hate me, but I do NOT want Superman to be real. 

Here's a brief, general summation of his background (DC has changed details constantly over the years, so this is the most generally accepted background):

First of all, I'm not a Superman hater. I loved Man of Steel. I'm very excited about the sequel. He has definitely revolutionized comics. He's super recognizable, and an all-american (unless you're reading the Red Son series). So please, I'm not just trying to bash Superman.

Now, DC has changed up Superman's background several times over the years, but basically Superman is a Kryptonian that was sent to Earth by his parents in a rocket ship before the destruction of his home world. Krypton has a much heavier gravity than we do, and it also had a Red sun. Kyrptonians can use their enhanced abilities under a Yellow sun. So Earth was the perfect place for Superman to end up.

Krypton was destroyed by an unstable radioactive explosion within the core. With the destruction of Krypton, it created fragments of the planet that were altered by the radioactivity. This is what's commonly known as kryptonite, which is deadly to Superman. Krypton is 27.1 light years from Earth.

After crash landing in Kansas, Superman was adopted by the Kent's, and was given the name Clark. As he grew, his powers began to surface. He learned to harness them, and also developed a very strong Moral Compass.

Here are my fears:

Superman is pretty much the most powerful hero in all of comics. Superman's famous arsenal of powers has included flight, super-strength, invulnerability to non-magical attacks, super-speed, vision powers (including x-ray, heat-emitting, telescopic, infra-red, and microscopic vision), super-hearing, super-intelligence, and super-breath, which enables him to blow out air at freezing temperatures, as well as exert the propulsive force of high-speed winds. He barely survives a nuclear blast, and his space flights are limited by how long he can hold his breath. Superman's power levels have again increased since then, with Superman currently possessing enough strength to hurl mountains, withstand nuclear blasts with ease, fly into the sun unharmed, and survive in the vacuum of outer space without oxygen.Superman can fly to other worlds and galaxies and even across universes with relative ease. He would often fly across the solar system to stop meteors from hitting the Earth or sometimes just to clear his head. Even with the restrictions that have tried to be implemented to the hero, he is still unbelievably powerful! We've already established that he only has one weakness, which is kryptonite. There is only one thing that can stop the effects of kryptonite: lead. So even his weakness has the potential to not have very much effect.

In the recent Comic Series/Video Game Injustice: Gods Among Us, In an alternate reality, the Joker destroys Metropolis with a nuclear weapon, killing millions of people, after tricking Superman into killing Lois Lane and their unborn son. In retaliation, Superman murders the Joker during Batman's interrogation. He establishes a new world order as the High Councillor. A war ensues between the forces of Superman's Regime and those allied with Batman's Insurgency

My fear is that, despite Superman's impeccable moral compass, what if? What if Superman were real? What is he decided that the only way to save humanity was through enslavement and developing a new world order in which he was our dictator? What could we do? He's unstoppable! None of our weapons would have any effect. Our nukes could maybe stall him, but Superman could confiscate them before we could even say, "Push the Red Button!" And I know that everybody and their mother has kryptonite in their back pocket in the comics, but here on Earth, we don't. Now before you guys start saying, "Batman beat Superman! Batman beat Superman!", from what I can tell, Batman HUMBLED Superman, not actually defeat him. Also, this is strictly a speculation if Superman alone was real, not Batman. No one on Earth (that I know of) is at the peak of human physical health, trained in a dozen martial arts, a billionaire, and a genius detective. If Superman was real, and he decided that he knew best......we'd be in Serious trouble.

What I am most afraid of, is that if Superman were real, and he wanted to, he could take away our free-will. (A bit of theology time) God gave us free-will. It dates all the way back to the Garden of Eden when God ccreated the world, made Adam and Eve, and then gave them that one rule that has changed absolutely everything, and we are still feeling the results of that decision today. If Superman were real, he would almost be God (No, he wouldn't actually BE God, but he'd be godlike) in the sense that he would have unparalleled power over us. God himself allowed us to keep this free-will. But, again, Superman isn't God; he's a lowercase god. What's to stop Superman from acknowledging this power he has over us and abusing it. What would stop him if he went through events similar to what happened to him in the Injustice plot-line? How could we as mere mortals stop a god?

Call me overly religious if you want, but I believe that since God himself gave us free-will (the ability to examine information and make a decision, acknowledging or not acknowledging the consequences for ourselves), no other god has the right to take it from us. We're humans, and we make mistakes, but they're our mistakes to make. Superman, as wonderful and heroic as he is, can (and has) made mistakes. He's great on paper, but I believe would be disastrous in real life.

So that's my fear. Rational? Irrational? Let me know. I know that this is different from my normal post format, but I want to every now and then really look at geeky subjects like this and really research and discuss what type situations could occur. But please, leave your comments below, and as always, stay true to the ways of Geekery.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

5 Things Geeks Hate About Going Home

I'm back Dedicated Blog Readers!!! It's been very busy since last I post, and a lot of my time has consisted of me going back to my home town for various reasons. Now I live in Magnolia, AR, but grew up in a very small town called Hamburg. My parents still love there, so I keep in touch with some of the news back home (which is really usually nothing). My trips back recently got me thinking: Geeks must really gage going home. I know I do. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and my family. But as far as being a geek, there's nothing for me there. So here it is:

 5 Things Geeks Hate About Going Home:

5) No One's Read Your Blog. I often post whenever I have a new blog post on my Facebook. It's just a way to try and get more readers. My mom has a Facebook, my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, almost everyone; no one has read any if my posts. Honestly I'm not very surprised, they aren't very skilled in the ways of Geekery. But still, you'd think somebody back home would've given if a view. 

4) No Attractions. There is NOTHING to do back home in Hamburg. It's honestly one of those towns where going to Walmart (which is in the town over btw) is an outting because EVERYONE in the county is there. Hanging out in the grocery store parking lot was THE thing to do in High School. The closest movie theater is 30 miles one way, closest mall is an hour, etc.. It's insane.

3) No High-Tech Gear. My parents house holds all of my childhood memories. My old toys, VHS tapes, PS2, Nintendo 64, etc.. You know what it doesn't hold? My DVD collection, Xbox games, Laptop, and anything else that I actually currently use. Granted I don't live there anymore, but still. And believe me, as a gamer and geek, I love old-gen tech, too. But the VCR is broken, there's only one controller for the 64, and I'm not there long enough to play with my toys. 

2) Family Still Doesn't Understand. Now most of my family know that I'm a geek, and that's just that. But there is still the occasional relative that will come up to me, ask me how things are going, and then make the mistake of asking things like so what do you do to entertain yourself or what do you do for fun. I'll start telling them that I'm completely caught up on Dr. Who (from Eccelston I mean, not a all the way back to the original) and am waiting for the new season to start (I know it's started by now) or that I've beaten the elite 4 and am now going back to get all of Eevee's evolutions. I look at their face, and they'll give me either a vacant glance or judgmental glance, and I know not to even try to get into telling them about my speculation as to how the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going to introduce the last two Infinity Stones, or ask what they think about the current game at for Dragon Age: Inquisition looks to them. Simply put, they just still don't get it. I think they thought I'd grow out of this phase. Of course they also game me funny looks back when my friends as I used to imagine that we were digimon, and never said anything either. I don't let it bother me too badly anymore. I know they'll come running to me when the Zombie Outbreaks start popping up.

& finally, the absolute worst thing about going home:

1) No Signal/Internet. Like I said, Hamburg is tiny. What makes things worse is that my house is actually about 15 miles outside of town, in the sticks. There's hardly any cell reception at all. And internet? Ha! Don't get my hopes up. That's why I couldn't bog when I went home. I guess it's kind if peaceful (for like 30 minutes), but after a while, you really start to crave checking you Clash of Clans to see how many trophies you've lost. It's a nightmare.

So that's my list! I really did enjoy going home for a visit. My mom will probably gripe at me for this list (if she'd ever actually read me blog). What're things you hate about going back home? Any suggestions on how to make some of these things more bearable? Leave a comment below please, and share this with someone who could use more Geekery in their life!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Top 5 Most Acceptable "Manly" Video Games

Don't let the title confuse you: I don't buy into that whole, "Some games are 'manlier' than others" bologna! I enjoy all different types if games, whether indie, popular, arcade, manly, less manly, whatever! I don't like to let stereotypes dictate my gameplay, as I think do most gamers/geeks. However, there's a common occurrence in today's society: everyone considers themselves as "gamers/geeks/nerds". If you've ever played Halo or watched a superhero movie, nowadays it's apparently acceptable to consider yourself a gamer and/or geek. But guys will only take that so far. There are certain games that most everyone has that give them that "gamer" status without going full-fledged nerdy. You're average "bro-guy" (you know what I'm talking about; you're typical frat-guy or someone like that, ya know?) will play Black-Ops but wouldn't dare ever play something like Shadow of the Colossus or Final Fantasy. Why? Some may say game-style preference, but when you get down to it: it's because there's a line that they just simply don't want to cross. So, society has unknowingly made a list if acceptable games. So with that being said, here is today's post.

The Top 5 Acceptable "Manly" Video Games

5) Assassin's Creed- While this is a widely popular, and very fun game, it is one of those that guys will buy and be all, "Oh dude, I'm such a gamer man I play Assassin's Creed!" In the game you are a descendant of an order of Assassin's and you okay through some of your ancestors events in their past to learn the ways of assassin-ery. Let's face it, you jump around on buildings shanking people. Again, I'm not bashing the game; it's amazing! I'm "bashing" the notion that society thinks that certain games are acceptable to play and some aren't. The gameplay is smooth (like a criminal.... Think about it.), the storyline is moderately decent, and yes it's fun to kill people with weapons made by Leonardo DaVinci, but it's still just a game where you go around killing people. It's like an older sneaker version of Saint's Row or Grand Theft Auto (oh come on, killing people is the ONLY reason we play those games). 

4) Gears of War- Now this series is a little more sci-fi, but still a pretty big "bro-game". Gears of War is a very fun series. I played through the first 2 (and started the third) with my Uncle (he moved away, but we still plan on finishing!). This is your typical first-person shooter with big guns and lots of blood. You're fighting aliens (technically) but from the center of the earth. It's not as popular anymore, but a few years ago this was wildly popular and guys talked about it all the time. It has a great storyline, lots of intense moments, and yes aliens, but it's still a typical testosterone filled shoot 'em up. (Again people, I am not bashing these games. I'm not trying to offend people at all or disrespect the game series. I'm just making a point that I think all of us as geeks/gamers have are effected by).

3) Halo- I mentioned it in the introduction, so it might as we'll be included. The Halo series is a first person shooter set in the future where you fight aliens. It was  a sci-fi game changer, as far as game-play. It was majorly popular, but the more installments in the series, the quicker it lost it's luster. This was definitely a game that people from all stereotypes played. I've heard countless stories ranging from guys at their frat-houses having tournaments to even church youth groups having lock-ins with projectors and sheets on the walls. I personally never really got into the game: it was too "macho" for me (again EVERYONE was playing). It's another shoot 'em up, just with aliens from outer-space (not the center-of-the-earth type).

2) Madden/Any Sports Games Period- There's no denying this claim, these are major manly games. These games are designed to appear to a wide-range of people. It is supposed to be this type of game. This is definitely your typical "manly game". Sports fans of all types can sit down and enjoy these games. Now I'm personally not a sports guy, but that's just me.  I have no comment as far as actual game play. Not really much else to say about this one, it's pretty self-evident.

& finally

1) Call of Duty- This is the King of all "bro-games"; the manliest of all manliest. The Cakl of Duty series is a first person shooter war game that that has been majorly successful and insanely popular. Everybody that's anybody plays this. From school kids to the more experiences gamers and everything in between, this is majorly acceptable in society. You're almost considered an outcast if you Don't play (people give you that gasp of amazement when they find out you don't play, trust me I know). It took me a while to get around the idea of olaying, but once they added the zombie levels, I was a little more accepting. I like the games, but is still is a game that society deems acceptable.

Is there anything wrong with these games? No! Do I harbor ill will to people who play them? Absolutely not! I'm not trying to stir up trouble, or to make it sound like we as gamers/geeks or persecuted in anyway. I'm simply pointing out a fact: society does control what we as the masses say is acceptable to play and what isn't. People have a fixed idea in their heads on how far they want to take their dedication to gaming. Just play what you want to play! If it looks good, try it! Don't let people's opinion stop you from enjoying a good game.

Anyways, that's my list! What do you guys think? What's your opinion on society's influence on gaming? Do you think I'm just ranting? Are any of these games not manly enough? Let me know in the comments below. Until next time, remember: Geekery isn't a hobby, it's a way of life.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Top 5 Characters Marvel Should Bring Back For Avengers 2

---------------------WARNING: SOME SPOILERS AHEAD REGAURDING THE MCU----------------

Marvel Comics has been bringing excitement and joy from their vibrant colored and action pack pages for all the way back to 1933, although the it was called Timely Publications. But it eventually dawned it's "Marvel-ous" name (see what I did there?) and has changed the face of not only comic books, but pop-culture itself. So when Marvel decided to start making films based on their characters, the world was in for yet another sensation. Since Marvel Films (now known as Marvel Studios) began making films in 1993 (yes, their were films made prior, but not with affiliation to Marvel Films the production company) we've been both delighted and thrilled while terrified and on the edge of our seats with anticipation by the silver screen depiction of our favorite heroes (and villains). But the greatest decision Marvel has made (in my humble opinion) was to connect a good portion of the films together using The Avenger's Initiative and the several "Phases" that ties films to their respective Avenger's Film. We've been through Phase One with Iron-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron-Man 2, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger, and the critically Acclaimed Marvel's The Avenger's capping things off.  Now, with the near completion of Phase 2, we have Iron-Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and most previously Guardians of the Galaxy (note that also ABC's Marvel's Agents of Shield television series has also been intricate in Phase 2 and has been affected, and also effected, Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier). We are now all very impatiently waiting for Avenger's Age of Ultron. These films leading up to Age of Ultron has introduced us to many wonderful (and some villainous) characters, but much to my surprise, not all of them are re-occurring (or at least not yet anyways).  This post is a list that I've compiled regarding that very issue. So please enjoy my latest post:

The Top 5 Characters Marvel Should Bring Back For Avengers 2

[Please note that this is a list of non-confirmed reoccurring characters according to IMDB. None of these characters should be occurring (hence the title), however Marvel could always surprise us, so this is not meant to be a spoiler. If it turns out to be, I apologize (not really, it'd be pretty sweet!).]

5) Johann Schmidt/ Red Skull- Red Skull is  a major baddy for the Captain of the U. S. of A., and was the main villain in the first Capt. America movie (and rightly so). However, in the second movie he was absent. Yes, HYDRA was still active (I warned you, spoilers), and it was a fantastic film, but I still say that Red Skull should've been present. He never died, the Tesseract just sort of dissolves him. I think they should definitely work that in the new Avengers Film. Ultron and Red Skull team up would be insane. And if nothing else, Red Skull could plead with Ultron for them to join forces and then Ultron annihilate him (sure it'd be a quick scene, but it would be amazing). But with Hydra in the spotlight after the events of Capt. America 2, it seems like a prime time for the Red Skull to rise up.

4) Sam Wilson/Falcon- The Captain's trusty side-kick Falcon finally dawned our screens in the second Captain America Movie. Sam Wilson was a fantastic addition to the MCU, and the thing is he wasn't the typical sidekick either. He would definitely be a welcome addition the Avenger's Line-Up. Can you really have enough team members when your facing a massive army of androids??? Also, with only Iron-Man having the ability of flight, they could use more eyes in the sky. Sam has the military experience, and the team-playing attitude. I honestly think Sam would follow Cap into any war, no matter how out there. At least it isn't another Alien Army.

3) Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier- Bucky's Back! The Winter Soldier blew up our screens in Captain America's second film (I know I've done a lot about Captain America's films, forgive me)! Yes it was a fairly obvious choice on what route to take after the first movie as far as plot-lines, but never-the-less it was still executed in a way that blew audiences away! Sebastian Stan, while not my first choice, did an excellent Winter Soldier, and with such success, it's almost baffling that he isn't confirmed for the Avenger's Sequel. He could swing either way, as far as being friend or foe, from how Captain America 2 ended, and it would be so interesting seeing him deal with the rest of the MCU. Would he join the Avenger's Team and take on Ultron's Army? Would he join his robotic brethren? Would he take over HYDRA and continue his mission? The possibilities are endless!

2) Loki- Now this is just insane!?! Why is Loki not confirmed for the next Avenger's??? He's a crowd favorite, even if he is a ruthless and psychotic dictator! Loki has been intricate within the films, and I kind of have to think that Marvel is going to surprise us, but I have no idea how and the suspense is killing me.  Surely he would be an asset to Ultron's Team (which is consisted of his army as well as[If I understand it correctly] Vision, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver). Or perhaps he would see Ultron as a threat and offer some sort of double-crossing truce to our heroes. Who knows?? One thing is for certain, he is burdened with glorious purpose in the MCU.

& finally

1) Phil Coulson- Agent Phillip Coulson has been busy running around with Fitz-Simmons and the gang on ABC's Agent's of Shield lately, but has also been affected by all of the major films in Phase 2 and has been a majorly significant role in Phase One. Phil helped unite the Avenger's against Loki, and it seemingly cost him his life. He's probably my favorite character in the current connected MCU, and it will absolutely leave me speechless (and probably a little fumed) if he doesn't make an appearance in the Avenger's Sequel. There really isn't any reason for he, and his team, to not show up working with Fury and Maria Hill. But Marvel, as stated, has been known to surprise us, so we'll just have to see what happens.

Rest assured that this was a difficult list, because there are so many characters that I want to see it's not even funny, so expect another list soon of 5 more characters that should show up. For now, what do you think? Is there anyone you think we should see? Anyone you disagree with? Let me know in the comments below. Until next time, this has been Geekery!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Top 5 Tips For Dating A Disney Princess

OK, so as admitted in a previous post: I have ODD (Obsessive Disney Disorder). I LOVE Disney Movies!! They were a major part of my childhood, and as I've aged, I've often wondered how the princes always managed to get the princess. I mean obviously they're going to, but say I wanted to ask out one; what would I do or say? How would I go about woo-ing a Disney Princess.  And then I realized that the movies themselves gave me all of the answers (as movies do with all questions of relating to manners of life[especially Disney Movies]). So, here they are:

The Top 5 Tips For Dating A Disney Princess:

5) Always, ALWAYS Hang Out In The Woods (Be Out-Doorsy)- Where does the princess always (well, almost always) meet the prince? IN THE WOODS!!! The princess has always managed to get herself into some manner of mischief, there's always a chase seen, and then BAM! she crashes into the prince and Presto! love at first sight.  So what does that tell us as guys (or princes...... OK never mind, that's kinda weird)? That we need to be in the woods. Bust out the flannel shirts and tents my man, it's camping time! (Please nobody read this and decide to go live in the woods waiting for some girl to get lost and then you marry her...... Please, just don't.).

4) Royalty is Always a Plus, But It Isn't Necessary (...... And We'll Never Be Royal)- While royalty does seem to have an affect on all women, it isn't necessary when it comes to dating these Disney Icons. We know that from AladdinFrozen, and Tangled, the royal women of Disney aren't just interested in noble men. They like hard-working men, who strive to their convictions, and-...... OK they also like bad boys. Aladdin and Flynn were both thieves. But, the princess's like men with heart, and that should tell us street-rats and icemen that we have a chance.

3) Patience is Key (Culture-Shock)- While these lovable heiresses to the thrones are delightful and cheery, they also are, uhm, what's the word..... inquisitive. Many of them have been withheld from society (some have been under the sea, some trapped in castles, some in a coma, and some just confined to their palaces). They aren't known for understanding what goes on beyond princess life. Ariel thought a fork was a comb. Jasmine didn't know that you had to pay for food. Anna thought it was perfectly fine to marry a "prince" that she had only known, oh, say, 3 hours at the max. They need to be taught what it means to live beyond their palace walls. Which means they need patience.

2) Don't Rush To Meet Their Parents (New Meaning to the Term Monster-In-Laws)- While their daughters turned out wonderful, not every princess comes from wonderful families. In fact, many of the misfortunes from their pasts come from their families. Rapunzel's mother was the one to lock her in her tower, while Merida's family tried to have an arranged marriage. Princess Anna may have lost her parents at a young age, but her sister tried to cause the second ice age. Cinderella...... well, her step-was a real piece of work. And while King Triton is a good and noble king, he isn't known for being to kind to visitors...... imagine dating his daughter.  So don't rush to meet the parents...... It can wait.

& finally

1) You've Got To Be an Animal Person (They love them some Pets)- Pets pets pets pets pets, these girls like some animal companions. And they range from almost everything: chameleons, reindeer, dragons, crickets, horses, pigs, bears, tigers, ..... it almost never ends. This may not seem that big of a deal, but these critters are fiercely protective. Most of them have the ability to end your life. Another reason to be an animal person is because these ladies have a deep connection with these pets, and animals have very keen senses. Basically, they'll be able to pick up on what your intentions are with their master. They're cute and cuddly (well some of them) but they mean business.

So there's my tips. Take them for what you will. Obviously I'm not saying that it's possible to date fictional characters, but these do apply to real life. Girls don't go for the guys that ALWAYS play it safe. Sometimes the girl needs to see that you're willing to save her from the dragon, or just help her notice that someone sees her more as just a "princess"........ I don't really know what else to say that won't sound cliche. Just note that this little slice of Geekery is applicable in the real world, and that "every girl deserves to be treated like a princess" (but not the way Bowser treated Princess Peach, cause that's completely contradictory to the point of the is post).

Friday, September 12, 2014

Top 5 Video Games Ever (According To Me, In Honor Of National VideoGame Day)

Today is National Video Game Day!!! Nobody is more excited and in the spirit than Yours Truly! So I figured, "Hey! Perfect Blog Oppurtunity!"

I've played a lot of Video Games (I mean A LOT!) and so I have a Ton that I love, but I'll try and keep it down to 5. Note that some will be a whole series, because it's so hard to decide!

My Top 5 Video Games EVER (In Honor of National Video Game Day):

5) Kingdom Hearts Series. I have ODD: Obsessive Disney Disease! I LOVE Disney Movies (The Black Cauldron y'all, Whoot Whoot!)! So whenever I first heard about this awesome game series, I nearly died of amazement. It's great. The storyline is genius, the characters unforgettable, the overall gameplay is Beast!! Now it isn't perfect, hardly any games are. But I have very few complaints. Who would ever complain about teaming up Tarzan, Mushu, Stitch, or anyone from Disney?!?

4) Pokemon. Now this is a franchise that has almost literally been around since I was born. I've grown up with Pokemon my whole life! I can remember getting Pokemon Yellow Version, Beating Pokemon Gold Version, at one time having Pokemon Ruby, Saphire, and Enerald Version from trading games with friends, trading almost every video game me and my brother had to by a Nintendo DS and getting Pokemon Pearl Version (and quickly getting rid of it for some reason.....), my cousin lending Pokemon Black Version (and Black 2 Version), and I myself have purchased Pokemon X and Y Version. Why? Because they're good games! Pokemon is something that I can go to escape the trials of adulthood and just be a kid! No not everything about Pokemon is great, and yes, I know, first gen all the way, but still. GameFreak has continues to put out phenomenal content, and as long as they do I will continue to play Pokemon.

3) Dragon Age. Dragon Age is probably one of the best series that've come out in recent years. I quickly became obsessed with this Single Person Fantasy RPG. That's my thing, RPG's with Character Customization. I love playing as Dwarves (which will be explained with my number one choice). Dragon Age Origins came out in 2009 when I was in High School. I can honestly remember doing nothing but playing this game over the Thanksgiving break. My girlfriend at the time got me a t-shirt just cause that year. BioWare has a habit of putting out addictive games. The Expansion for the Game, Dragon Age Awakening came out, and while it wasn't quite as good as a stand alone, as a continuation it was the perfect Icing on the cake. The downside of the series: Dragon Age 2. They completely took away the Character Customization, which I'm sorry, made it difficult to thoroughly enjoy the game. Now I did eventually get over it, and it turned out to be a very fun game, but I gotta tell you, I'm SO GLAD THEY'RE BRINGING BACK THE CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION FOR DRAGON AGE INQUISITION!!!! It's one of the games I am Most looking forward to in regards to games coming out later this year.

2) Left 4 Dead. Hur ma dur, folks!! This game series is amazing! My zombie obsession was fueled by this game. Left 4 Dead was put out by Valve in 2008, and it's been in my top 5 games ever since. The first time I ever played I was absolutely terrified and was shouting and going crazy shooting at what I thought was a Witch. It turned out to just be a pole..... -_- Anyways this game was Boss, and then Left 4 Dead 2 came out the following year, and I'm sorry (again), but I think the second was better. It introduced melee to the game, which is vitall in the upcoming outbreak! But the best thing that L4D did for the series was release the DLC in which you get to play as the original group in the second games campaigns. Genius.

& finally

1) Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. AHHHHHHHH!!!! The greatest and most epic videogome ever HAS to be Gauntlet: Dark Legacy! This is the first Console game that I ever really got into, and it also birthed my love of Fantasy RPG's. My Uncle JW and my Aunt Allison we're visiting my family for Christmas and they brought they're X-Box (yes, X-Box. No 360). Now my aunt and uncle are the coolest aunt and uncle you can ask for (they're ultra gamers and introduced me to Gauntlet, The Diablo Series, Left 4 Dead, XCOM, the list goes on and on). My uncle was the Blue Knight, my aunt the Green Archer, my brother Joel the Green Jester, and then came time for to pick, and it was if the heavens opened and a ray of light shone from the TV Screen when my eyes befell that Majestic Red Dwarf, with his radiant hammer and awe-inspiring beard! This game has everything! Monsters, magic, multiplayer, and most importantly, a manly beard! It will always hold the number one spot in my heart as my favorite video game of all time!

That's my list! What's your favorite video game??? What do you think of mine? Let me know in the comments below. Now before you leave, since we're talking about video games, I have to tell you about this game isn't a video game.... Yet! It's called Boss Monster! The game is out out by Brotherwise Games. It's a table top card game where you play as a villain building your dungeon to lure heroes in and kill them! Awesome sauce, right?!? It's all done in 8-Bit Pixelization. Its a card game based off of a video game. But now they're making it into a video game!!! It'll be a video game based on a card game based on a video game! Please consider going and supporting the Boss Mosnter Campaign on Kickstater, and while you're at it go pick up a copy of the physical game and enjoy all of it's epic Geekiness and Geekery!!

The Top 5 Villains That Have Had The Biggest Impact On Spider-Man

So, I've seen the last 5 Spider-Man Movies that have been made, played several video games, watched a ton of TV Shows, and have read a lot about him and his villains in comics. No, he isn't my favorite super-hero (I'll do an entire post dedicated to him later) but he IS one of the most well known/recognized superhero of all time! He's everywhere! Sony has already confirmed a 3rd Amazing Spider-Man movie, as well as a Venom Movie (one of his most well-known villains) as well as a Sinister Six film (a 6-Man Villain Team that bands together to get rid of Spider-Man). Spider-Man is probably Stan Lee's (Creator of Spidey, Marvel Comics Mastermind, and Comic-Book/Geek Legend) Master Piece (or at-least his biggest success story)!

Now with all the hype and fame, more and more of Spidey's villains are popping up on the big screen. Most people are all like, "Ooooh, I know who Spider-Man is, let's go see it!" However most people don't know much about the villains, or their impact on Spider-Man/Peter Parker and his life. So, here's my next post:

The 5 Villains who've had the biggest impact on Spider-Man/Peter Parker's Life:

5) Eddie Brock and/or Flash Thompson/Venom- Venom is probably Spider-Man's biggest and most well-known villains. He's demonic-looking, ruthless, a complete brute, and it helps that Todd McFarlane himself helped develop the character. It's important to point out that Venom the entity is actually an alien-symbiote from another planet. Peter actually rejects symbiote. He's a parasite that needs a host, hence his suit-like appearance. Now what most people DON'T know is that there have been several people who dawned the symbiote-suit. Eddie Brock, which is the one McFarlane worked on, is a rival photographer to Peter at the Daily Bugle (yes, Eric from That 70's Show in Spider-Man 3 of the Tobey Maguire Trilogy). In the original version of the story, Brock is a journalist who exposes the identity of a serial killer only for the real killer to be caught by Spider-Man, and Brock had accused the wrong man. Disgraced and suicidal, Brock comes into contact with the alien Symbiote, which wasrejected by Peter Parker. The Symbiote bonds with Brock becoming Venom and together they seek out revenge against their mutual enemy. Another host for this parasite was Flash Thompson. Flash is actually Mary Jane Watson's Ex-boyfriend from high school, as well as rival to apeter (Flash being a jock and Peter and nerd). They become friends in College with the help of Harry Osborn. Now while flash become's the "host" for the Venom Symbiote, he actually becomes more of a military soldier/bounty for hire type guy. He's not a villain necessarily, but isn't always the most heroic guy. Anyways, seeing as how Eddie Brock became Venom because of his ill-will towards Peter/Spidey, he's on the list.

4) Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin- An already well known villain, being in the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man Trilogy. Whether it was Willem Dafoe or Chris Cooper, Norman Osborn had a very big effect on Peter's Life. Norman is the father of Peter's Best-friend Harry Osborn, and in some way a father-like figure to Peter. Since Peter's parents absence from his life (because of either death or abandonment, depending on if we're going by the comics or the movies) at a young age, Uncle Ben and Aunt May were Pete's guardians. However, as time went on and Peter grew older, he developed a love of science, and who to better to admire then the CEO of Oscorp,  a company who does research into anything from Modern Medicine and Genetics to Bio-Electric Chemical Engineering and Advanced Military Combat Weaponry? So for Peter to discover that the man that he admired so turns out to be none-other then The Green Goblin was a devastating blow to say the least. Again, this is also Peter's Best friend's Father?! Add the fact that in the comics issue #121 The Green Goblin is responsible for the Death of Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker's First Love-Interest (Yes, there was a girl before Mary Jane) and High School Sweetheart, and that makes Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin someone who was wrecked Peter and Spidey's Life something fierce.

3) Harry Osborn/The Green Goblin- Yes, despite popular belief, Harry Osborn was NEVER the Hobgoblin. Harry, Peter Parker's Best-friend all through high school (or until he was shipped off to boarding school by Norman, according to the second Amazing Spider-Man film). They were both damaged, since both had estranged relationship with their father's, and they confided within one another. That is, until the whole Norman being a super-villain and all.  Norman died during his time as The Green Goblin, and Harry blamed Spider-Man for the "murder" of his father.  So, like any good son, Harry follows in his father's footsteps and becomes the Second Green Goblin.  What makes this so impacting for Peter (at least to me) is that his Best-friend blames him (indirectly, or directly depending on what we're going by) for his father's death, when it was Norman trying to kill Pete/Spidey. His closes friend is trying to KILL HIM, making Harry/Green Goblin numbero dos the third baddy on the list.

2) Peter Parker/Spider-Man- Now this may be a bit of a stretch, but let me plead my case.  There's always been a Constant battle going on within Peter about his double life.  Being Spider-Man has caused him more pain than almost anything really.  Always putting family and loved ones in danger, struggling to live up to the super-hero expectations, as well as well as fulfilling all of Peter's responsibilities, and not to mention that fact that he is ALWAYS putting Himself in mortal danger by fighting larger than life villains all the way down to the common thug.  Peter is his own worst enemy. It's he that makes these decisions, and it's he and only he that has to evaluate the cost and live with the decision.  No nemesis made him dawn the suit, it was him. Honestly, doesn't this at-least make a Little Sense?

& Finally

1) Richard Parker/Peter's Father- Yes, you read correctly, (to me) The most vicious and most impacting Villain EVER to be in Peter's Life is none other than his own Father. How you ask? Let me explain.  From what we know in both the Comics and the Cinematic Universe we can piece together that Richard, like so many before him, was trying to re-create Captain America's Super-Soldier Serum. He, as well as Norman Osborn and Curt Connors (Lizard) were all experimenting to re-create it (as well as Bruce Banner, and re-creating the Serum also cause Black Cat to receive her powers). It was this obsession with altering man to become more that what God intended us to be that caused Peter to become Spider-Man. Richard's studies caused him to get in trouble with the government (S.H.I.E.L.D.??) It was this that led to Peter's parents to abandon him as a child (or die, or both). It was this that had such a traumatic and emotional scarring on Peter that caused him so much pain and heartache growing up; always feeling alone and unloved. No one, and I mean NO ONE had That big of an impact on Peter's life, not even Peter Himself. Richard Parker playing God and illegally trying to create this serum made him a fugitive (which is the very foundation of what it means to be a villain), andruined Peter's life, and that's why he is number one on my list.

Tell me what you guys think. Anyone I overlook? Have you ever looked at Peter's Dad, or even Peter Himself as Spider-Man's enemy? Let me know. Thanks Guys!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Top 5 Life Lessons That Doctor Who Has Taught Us

Who doesn't Love Dr. Who????? It's probably the best thing to come from Britain/England/UK since, well, us (America!) I have only recently gotten into Dr. Who this year (a girl got me into it, so back in April I started from the 2005 Ninth Dr. relaunch and watched all the way up until the newest Dr.'s shenanigans..... I didn't get BBC when I got SuddenLink....... -_-) and am absolutely Hooked!!!! I've watched so much that I actually have gotten on of my Youth from church to start watching it. I have the TARDIS Whooshing as my ringtone, and actually think the Dr. is gonna show up at times (I know, it's sad). The Dr. has taught me a lot, and with that, here's my second Official Geekery Post. 

So here's 5 Life-Changing Lessons to be learned from Dr. Who (From any regeneration of the Dr.):

1) Life isn't meant to be spent alone, even if you're the last of your kind.

2) When life gives you a chance to choose your path, always take the one with the most running. It isn't always safe, but it's always more exciting.

3) Not to be contradictory to #2, but you ALWAYS have a choice. The right thing to do is worth doing, even if it can sometimes change the fabric of space and time.

4) There's an entire universe beyond "your world". Take the time to explore it.

5) Have a title. Whether it's The Doctor, or The Companion, The Master, The Father, or even just The Best Friend, have a title and use it!

The Top 5 Saddest Forget-Me Moments in a Movie or TV Show

This is my First Official Post for Geekery!!! I've wanted to do this for a while now and finally just sat down and Did It!

Have you ever watched a movie or a TV show where the couple has something tragic happen, and one either has amnesia or something happens and one person forgets another? Leaving the other person alone? It's a recurring thing, and I'm not afraid to admit that I cry EVERY TIME!! 

So here are the 
Top 5 Worst Forget-Me Moments in a Movie/TV Show:

5) The Vow. Now before you guys start lining up to take away my Man-Card, I would just like to go on record that I saw this with my girlfriend at the time. I did NOT got out of my way on my own to watch this, ok? Are we clear? I get this isn't a geeky, nerdy, sci-fi movie, BUT it exactly represent what this particular post is about. The whole thing is about Rachel McAdams getting amnesia and forgets that she's in love with Channing Tatum (come to think of it, the notebook has the same plot, only when Ryan Gosling and again Rachel McAdams is older). Heart-wrenching.

4) Shrek and Fiona in the fourth Shrek movie. Rumplestilskin sends Shrek back in time and he has to make Fiona fall inlove with him all over agin. Cue tears.

3) Once Upon A Time, Season 2. Belle crosses the town line that has a curse that makes the fairy tale characters only remember their human lives. So, this makes her forget that she is inlove with Mr. Gold, aka Rumplestilskin, and he has to try and win over. Very boo hoo worthy.

2) Angel Season 1. Without getting into deep detail, Angel and Buffy spend a day together without fear of anything supernatural (in fact Angel is completely human..... long story), but in order to defeat a major baddy, they go back in time and the entire day is erased from Buffy's memory. Tragic.

1) Finally, the saddest- Dr. Who Season 4 finale (and really season 2 finale). The Dr, after reuniting with his companions since the 2005 pick up, and after once again saving the universe and all of time and space, is left alone. Completely alone. Rose gets to live the life he always wanted with her with his human clone(long story, ...... besides spoilers) and Donna Noble, the woman who was going to stay with the Dr forever, has to completely forget the Dr for the sake of her own life. He is left alone, and is burdened to remember everything (There was also like 2 full minutes of everybody who had sacrificed themselves for the Dr's deaths...... Yeah.) I was moved.

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