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Sunday, September 28, 2014

5 Things Geeks Hate About Going Home

I'm back Dedicated Blog Readers!!! It's been very busy since last I post, and a lot of my time has consisted of me going back to my home town for various reasons. Now I live in Magnolia, AR, but grew up in a very small town called Hamburg. My parents still love there, so I keep in touch with some of the news back home (which is really usually nothing). My trips back recently got me thinking: Geeks must really gage going home. I know I do. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and my family. But as far as being a geek, there's nothing for me there. So here it is:

 5 Things Geeks Hate About Going Home:

5) No One's Read Your Blog. I often post whenever I have a new blog post on my Facebook. It's just a way to try and get more readers. My mom has a Facebook, my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, almost everyone; no one has read any if my posts. Honestly I'm not very surprised, they aren't very skilled in the ways of Geekery. But still, you'd think somebody back home would've given if a view. 

4) No Attractions. There is NOTHING to do back home in Hamburg. It's honestly one of those towns where going to Walmart (which is in the town over btw) is an outting because EVERYONE in the county is there. Hanging out in the grocery store parking lot was THE thing to do in High School. The closest movie theater is 30 miles one way, closest mall is an hour, etc.. It's insane.

3) No High-Tech Gear. My parents house holds all of my childhood memories. My old toys, VHS tapes, PS2, Nintendo 64, etc.. You know what it doesn't hold? My DVD collection, Xbox games, Laptop, and anything else that I actually currently use. Granted I don't live there anymore, but still. And believe me, as a gamer and geek, I love old-gen tech, too. But the VCR is broken, there's only one controller for the 64, and I'm not there long enough to play with my toys. 

2) Family Still Doesn't Understand. Now most of my family know that I'm a geek, and that's just that. But there is still the occasional relative that will come up to me, ask me how things are going, and then make the mistake of asking things like so what do you do to entertain yourself or what do you do for fun. I'll start telling them that I'm completely caught up on Dr. Who (from Eccelston I mean, not a all the way back to the original) and am waiting for the new season to start (I know it's started by now) or that I've beaten the elite 4 and am now going back to get all of Eevee's evolutions. I look at their face, and they'll give me either a vacant glance or judgmental glance, and I know not to even try to get into telling them about my speculation as to how the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going to introduce the last two Infinity Stones, or ask what they think about the current game at for Dragon Age: Inquisition looks to them. Simply put, they just still don't get it. I think they thought I'd grow out of this phase. Of course they also game me funny looks back when my friends as I used to imagine that we were digimon, and never said anything either. I don't let it bother me too badly anymore. I know they'll come running to me when the Zombie Outbreaks start popping up.

& finally, the absolute worst thing about going home:

1) No Signal/Internet. Like I said, Hamburg is tiny. What makes things worse is that my house is actually about 15 miles outside of town, in the sticks. There's hardly any cell reception at all. And internet? Ha! Don't get my hopes up. That's why I couldn't bog when I went home. I guess it's kind if peaceful (for like 30 minutes), but after a while, you really start to crave checking you Clash of Clans to see how many trophies you've lost. It's a nightmare.

So that's my list! I really did enjoy going home for a visit. My mom will probably gripe at me for this list (if she'd ever actually read me blog). What're things you hate about going back home? Any suggestions on how to make some of these things more bearable? Leave a comment below please, and share this with someone who could use more Geekery in their life!

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