Greetings and Salutations!
A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! It's been quite a while since I've posted, I know, and for that, I sincerely apologize. To say that things have been busy would be a bit of an understatement. But, as this is the first day of the new year, I hope to be back active blogging with at LEAST one post a week. Anymore than that, and I would just be setting myself up for failure.
So, over these last few weeks have been "Holiday season", I've gotten to "get my geek on" quite a bit, whether it be hanging out with friends, getting some awesome geeky gifts, or just geeking out in my off time. I'm very excited to share with you all of my recent Geekery :D (man it's been a while since I got to use that word!).
Without further ado, here is:
My 5 Geekiest Parts of Christmas and New Years!
D & D is something that I've been interested in for SOOOOO long and have just recently gotten in to. It's been both a time-consuming and EXPENSIVE endeavor, but I've been able so far to run a session with my family and girlfriend over Christmas as well as began a session that's ongoing for my friends here in Magnolia.
In case any of you would like specifics, we're playing 5th Edition and I am creating a brand new setting and campaign. So far I've been able to purchase The Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual, and Volo's Guide to Monsters, as well as SEVERAL pdf's from the I've also bought SO MANY DICE!!!!! I've also been hand-making "maps" (or scenes as my Dad called them) but fortunately I found D & D official Tile's over Christmas (Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Thank Ya Jesus!).
It's been a lot of fun! It's also been stressful (as far as hoping that I meet everyone's expectations and being prepared. I have't received any stress from my family and players). The session in the on-going campaign lasted over 6 hours 😬 The session with my family wasn't as long, but it still took quite a while, and everything that could've gone wrong seemed to have. "The Magnolia Campaign" as I call the ongoing campaign with my friends, is made up of all relatively new players (including a DM, being myself). The "Christmas Campaign" had new players, experienced players, and my Dad, who is not only new to playing, but also not a "geek" at all, but everyone claimed to have had a good time!
Overall, it was a blast,and I can't wait for the next game! (Which is Tuesday, and I've got to start getting ready!)
4) POP!'S!!!!!!!
Pictured above is my Pop! collection in my office, which currently sits at 120. I received 8 as gifts over Christmas and purchased 16 with Christmas money. My goal was to reach 100 before the new year, and it's safe to say that I crushed it!
It's honestly become a re-occurring thing to walk by office at the church on Sunday's and Wednesday's to see some of the younger boys gazing up at them and then turn to ask me questions like, "Who's that?" or "You have that one?!?"
I know to most it seems silly, but it's important to mo to make the office a reflection of myself. I'm a "Geek Under Grace" and I want everyone to know it.
3) I Saw Rogue One Twice
I'm sure that anyone who would read a blog entitled, "Geekery" has also seen Rogue One by now, probably even multiple times. It was a great movie!!!
The reason why I list this in my top geeky things list is because I'm working on making a two-parter lesson series for me teens on Wednesday Nights! We've taken our teens to see all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films since Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as Rogue One and the Force Awakens. Since the Force Awaken, I've prepared lessons for every movie that we take them to see.
Without getting too preachy, I believe it's important for me as a Youth Pastor and us as a Youth Group to keep God the center of everything we do, even when it comes to seeing movies together. I also have a Major passion for reaching Geeks through Geek Culture. I may make an entry on my other blog, "It's Dangerous To Go Alone! Take This." about why I feel passionate about it, but for now, I definitely think that preparing youth group lessons about a Star Wars movie definitely fits the bill for this list.
2) New Year's Eve = Board Game Night!
So, typically, on New Year's Eve, I put on a Lock-In for the teens at the church, but seeing as how New Year's Day was today on a Sunday, I told them I wasn't about that life. Instead, my brother Joel and I got together with our buddy Adam and played board games! It's literally one of our favorite things to do!
We played some Catan and attempted to play the Steven Jackson game Illuminati. Unfortunately our friend was having some health issues and had to leave early.
OK, so it wasn't the craziest or geekiest night in the world (Heck, we were done playing at around 11:30). But we get together several times through out the year and play board games like crazy. Adam has gotten us into lots of obscure games like Elder Signs, Boss Monster, Zombie Fluxx, and more, as well as more classic games like Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, and Forbidden Desert. Last night didn't exactly pan out, but we'll have more awesome board game nights in the future!
& lastly
1) I Started Blogging Again!
I really am sorry that I haven't been active (in over a year as Adam pointed out last night). I'm sure most of you understand and the rest probably don't care one way or the other, but this blog meant, and still does mean, a lot to me. I won't make any promises, but I'm going to make it a priority at least once a week to have something to share, on this blog as well as on the Dangerous Alone blog. But if I don't, know that I truly appreciate all of you and that I'll get to it as soon as I can.
In closing, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas (and Holiday Season in general) and that you all have a Happy, Geeky, and Blessed New Year. God Bless the Geekery!
(pictures were all taken by myself with the exception on:
Title Pic-
Background Image-
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