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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Top 14 of 2014: My Favorite Moments of the Ending Year

Hey guys! This will be the last blog post of the year! Tomorrow starts 2015 and with that comes a new year if Posting!!

Now before I get into my top 14 moments of the year, I need to first make an apology to you, my dedicated readers: my last month has been barren of entries and even though I got incredibly bus,y I shouldn't have neglected you all. For that I'm sorry. The good news is I've been working on a new schedule for next year and I will be doing my ABSOLUTE best to have a new post up every Thursday!

Also, I'm asking for your prayers for me and my family. I'm trying to improve my physical health and my mom will soon be having surgery. But more into that later. For now, please pray for us.

Here it is:
My Top 14 of 2014:
My favorite moments of the ending year (in chronological order)-

14) Filling in at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Rison, AR on my 21st Birthday this year.

13) Going to the 9 Marks Biblical Theology Conference at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky with Jw Dobbins (and getting to travel there with Nancy Campbell and visit with Allison Dobbins)

12) Getting a call from Micah Carter about a possible internship at his church in April.

11) Starting that internship at Calvary Baptist Church the last Sunday of April.

10) Planning the entire Summer for the CBYF (the teens at church) after having NEVER doing anything like that before.

9) Becoming the full-time Youth/Associate Pastor of Calvary.

8) Hosting the Blow Out in August and having special guests Sydney Davis Jr. Jr., Alex Edmonds, Nicole Currie, Evan Mark Andrews, the Haley Creek Boys, and Jared Conatser come and lead us in worship and in praise and fellowship.

7) Officially moving to Magnolia and living on my own. 

6) Starting my blog!!!!!!!! 

5) Starting to review for Geeks Under Grace (

4) Seeing my brothers Joel Campbell and Dean Morgan join Calvary.

3) Enjoying all of the Christmas festivities at the church this past month (The CBYF and Adult Sunday School Parties, the Children's Play, The Cantata, the Live Nativity, and the Candle Light Service. 

2) Hosting the Lock-In for the Teens tonight! 

& finally (my favorite moment of the year)

1) Trusting God during my transition period between leaving my first church and coming to Calvary. It was scary, and I didn't have a clue what was next for me, but God got me through. All glory to Him!

That was my 2014! Bring on 2015!!!
What's been you're favorite moments?!? What are you looking forward to in 2015?? Let me know in the comments below. 

God bless you Guys!!!

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