I'm a gamer. I love all different types of games, across almost all platforms. Console games, table top games, social media and mobile games, etc., I love it all. 2015 is here, and with a new year comes brand spanking new games!!! I know that there a TON of games coming out this new year, but somehow I've managed to limit the list for this post down to 5. Even though half of these games on this list I can't play yet (because I don't have the Next Gen [really current gen bow]) consoles, here are:
5 Games I Can't Wait For In 2015
5) Mortal Kombat X
The next installment of the long running Mortal Kombat Series is coming at us this year and I Can't Wait!! I've been playing Mortal Kombat since the very first game came out and I have loved all of them! This new game has better graphics, bloodier fatalities, and the one I'm most excited about: New Characters!!
The picture above shows a list on Mortal Kombat X's Wikipedia Page of new and old characters on the game! With the succes of Mortal Kombat (aka Mortal Kombat 9, released in 2011), as well as all of the games since the series started in 1992, Mortal Kombat X will be released on April 14, 2015, and I can't wait (must resist Get Over Here and Finish Him puns.....)!
4) The Order: 1886
This is one that unfortunately o Will Not get to play anytime soon, because it's a Play Station exclusive, The Order: 1886 is a game set in an alteranate history London centered around an order of knights fighting against half-breed monsters (basically werewolves). The gameplay looks absolutely amazing. I'll definitely be watching someone play through on Twitch whenever this game comes out on February 20.
3) Dying Light
This game is getting all kinds of hype! Dying Light is one of the most horrifying games I've seen footage for! It's intense-looking zombie game. Now I know what you may be thinking: zombies are way over-saturating the media these days (which is not a problem to me whatsoever because I'm loving it), but Dying Light is supposed to be a step above our current selection of zombie games, because when night falls on the game, it gets So. Much. More. Intense! The zombies become crazy powerful and blood thirsty and if you are g properly sheltered and armed, you might as well stop playing now before you rage quit from dying! This game looks sick, but unfortunately this'll have to be another Twicth-following game, because it's only going to be released for PS4 and X-Box One. Still, I can't wait for January 27 for this game to come out!
2) Evolve
Evolve is set on Shear, a distant planet located in the "Far Arm" of space, that humanity has traveled to in the distant future. The established colonies, considered the most valuable in this region of space, are soon attacked by malevolent alien Monsters. As the Monsters slaughter the colonists on Shear, a former planet tamer named William Cabot is brought out of retirement to deal with the threat, in order to evacuate the remaining colonists from Shear. In response, Cabot assembles a team of Hunters—consisting of war veterans, psychopaths, professionals, and expendables—to eliminate the Monsters, setting the main conflict of Evolve.
The graphics and gameplay for this thing look absolutely Beast! The Kraken is the coolest part of the game (it's one of the Aliens you can either fight it okay as). This again is another X-Box One and PS4 only games (which is Poop!), but I still Can Not WAIT to watch people play on Twitch. February 10 needs to Hurry Up!!!!
& finally, the game I by far CAN'T WAIT FOR IN 2015
1) Boss Monster: The Video Game
If you read my "5 Even Geekier Things I Do" post last week, then you know all about Boss Monster. Boss Monster is an 8-but video-game styled dungeon building table top card game in which players take on the role of a villain and try to lure heroes in their dungeon and kill them. It's honestly in my top 5 favorite table top games of all time. Last year, the developers of Boss Monster (Brotherwise Games) started (and exceeded their goal) a Kickstarter to bring the game to Tablets, iPads, Kindle Fire HD's, and Steam for computers. Well, I helped fund, and the game is coming out THIS YEAR!!!! They're actually shooting to release the game and all of the prizes for backers NEXT MONTH!!!! I can't wait! This game is SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN as a table top game, and it'll be even MORE FUN to now get to play with people all over! For more information go to brotherwisegames.com!
These are my picks for games this year! What do you guys think? Jazzed for these games? Looking forward to something else? Wanna play me in Boss Monster: The Video Game when it comes out? Let me know in the comments below. Check out my other post I did today on my 5 Reboots That Hold Up and go also go check out my Blog "It's Dangerous To Go Alone! Take This." at dangerousalone.blogpost.com and read my post on Nehemiah Chapter 1: Do Something. Until next week, keep spreading the Geekery and the love.
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