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Friday, September 12, 2014

Top 5 Video Games Ever (According To Me, In Honor Of National VideoGame Day)

Today is National Video Game Day!!! Nobody is more excited and in the spirit than Yours Truly! So I figured, "Hey! Perfect Blog Oppurtunity!"

I've played a lot of Video Games (I mean A LOT!) and so I have a Ton that I love, but I'll try and keep it down to 5. Note that some will be a whole series, because it's so hard to decide!

My Top 5 Video Games EVER (In Honor of National Video Game Day):

5) Kingdom Hearts Series. I have ODD: Obsessive Disney Disease! I LOVE Disney Movies (The Black Cauldron y'all, Whoot Whoot!)! So whenever I first heard about this awesome game series, I nearly died of amazement. It's great. The storyline is genius, the characters unforgettable, the overall gameplay is Beast!! Now it isn't perfect, hardly any games are. But I have very few complaints. Who would ever complain about teaming up Tarzan, Mushu, Stitch, or anyone from Disney?!?

4) Pokemon. Now this is a franchise that has almost literally been around since I was born. I've grown up with Pokemon my whole life! I can remember getting Pokemon Yellow Version, Beating Pokemon Gold Version, at one time having Pokemon Ruby, Saphire, and Enerald Version from trading games with friends, trading almost every video game me and my brother had to by a Nintendo DS and getting Pokemon Pearl Version (and quickly getting rid of it for some reason.....), my cousin lending Pokemon Black Version (and Black 2 Version), and I myself have purchased Pokemon X and Y Version. Why? Because they're good games! Pokemon is something that I can go to escape the trials of adulthood and just be a kid! No not everything about Pokemon is great, and yes, I know, first gen all the way, but still. GameFreak has continues to put out phenomenal content, and as long as they do I will continue to play Pokemon.

3) Dragon Age. Dragon Age is probably one of the best series that've come out in recent years. I quickly became obsessed with this Single Person Fantasy RPG. That's my thing, RPG's with Character Customization. I love playing as Dwarves (which will be explained with my number one choice). Dragon Age Origins came out in 2009 when I was in High School. I can honestly remember doing nothing but playing this game over the Thanksgiving break. My girlfriend at the time got me a t-shirt just cause that year. BioWare has a habit of putting out addictive games. The Expansion for the Game, Dragon Age Awakening came out, and while it wasn't quite as good as a stand alone, as a continuation it was the perfect Icing on the cake. The downside of the series: Dragon Age 2. They completely took away the Character Customization, which I'm sorry, made it difficult to thoroughly enjoy the game. Now I did eventually get over it, and it turned out to be a very fun game, but I gotta tell you, I'm SO GLAD THEY'RE BRINGING BACK THE CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION FOR DRAGON AGE INQUISITION!!!! It's one of the games I am Most looking forward to in regards to games coming out later this year.

2) Left 4 Dead. Hur ma dur, folks!! This game series is amazing! My zombie obsession was fueled by this game. Left 4 Dead was put out by Valve in 2008, and it's been in my top 5 games ever since. The first time I ever played I was absolutely terrified and was shouting and going crazy shooting at what I thought was a Witch. It turned out to just be a pole..... -_- Anyways this game was Boss, and then Left 4 Dead 2 came out the following year, and I'm sorry (again), but I think the second was better. It introduced melee to the game, which is vitall in the upcoming outbreak! But the best thing that L4D did for the series was release the DLC in which you get to play as the original group in the second games campaigns. Genius.

& finally

1) Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. AHHHHHHHH!!!! The greatest and most epic videogome ever HAS to be Gauntlet: Dark Legacy! This is the first Console game that I ever really got into, and it also birthed my love of Fantasy RPG's. My Uncle JW and my Aunt Allison we're visiting my family for Christmas and they brought they're X-Box (yes, X-Box. No 360). Now my aunt and uncle are the coolest aunt and uncle you can ask for (they're ultra gamers and introduced me to Gauntlet, The Diablo Series, Left 4 Dead, XCOM, the list goes on and on). My uncle was the Blue Knight, my aunt the Green Archer, my brother Joel the Green Jester, and then came time for to pick, and it was if the heavens opened and a ray of light shone from the TV Screen when my eyes befell that Majestic Red Dwarf, with his radiant hammer and awe-inspiring beard! This game has everything! Monsters, magic, multiplayer, and most importantly, a manly beard! It will always hold the number one spot in my heart as my favorite video game of all time!

That's my list! What's your favorite video game??? What do you think of mine? Let me know in the comments below. Now before you leave, since we're talking about video games, I have to tell you about this game isn't a video game.... Yet! It's called Boss Monster! The game is out out by Brotherwise Games. It's a table top card game where you play as a villain building your dungeon to lure heroes in and kill them! Awesome sauce, right?!? It's all done in 8-Bit Pixelization. Its a card game based off of a video game. But now they're making it into a video game!!! It'll be a video game based on a card game based on a video game! Please consider going and supporting the Boss Mosnter Campaign on Kickstater, and while you're at it go pick up a copy of the physical game and enjoy all of it's epic Geekiness and Geekery!!

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