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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Top 5 Life Lessons That Doctor Who Has Taught Us

Who doesn't Love Dr. Who????? It's probably the best thing to come from Britain/England/UK since, well, us (America!) I have only recently gotten into Dr. Who this year (a girl got me into it, so back in April I started from the 2005 Ninth Dr. relaunch and watched all the way up until the newest Dr.'s shenanigans..... I didn't get BBC when I got SuddenLink....... -_-) and am absolutely Hooked!!!! I've watched so much that I actually have gotten on of my Youth from church to start watching it. I have the TARDIS Whooshing as my ringtone, and actually think the Dr. is gonna show up at times (I know, it's sad). The Dr. has taught me a lot, and with that, here's my second Official Geekery Post. 

So here's 5 Life-Changing Lessons to be learned from Dr. Who (From any regeneration of the Dr.):

1) Life isn't meant to be spent alone, even if you're the last of your kind.

2) When life gives you a chance to choose your path, always take the one with the most running. It isn't always safe, but it's always more exciting.

3) Not to be contradictory to #2, but you ALWAYS have a choice. The right thing to do is worth doing, even if it can sometimes change the fabric of space and time.

4) There's an entire universe beyond "your world". Take the time to explore it.

5) Have a title. Whether it's The Doctor, or The Companion, The Master, The Father, or even just The Best Friend, have a title and use it!

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